
Engineering economics important questions 2018 rejinpaul
Engineering economics important questions 2018 rejinpaul

engineering economics important questions 2018 rejinpaul

UNIT V CONTROL SYSTEM ANALYSIS USING STATE VARIABLE METHODS UNIT III FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND SYSTEM ANALYSISĬlosed loop frequency response-Performance specification in frequency domain-Frequency response of standard second order system- Bode Plot - Polar Plot- Nyquist plots-Design of compensators using Bode plots-Cascade lead compensation-Cascade lag compensation-Cascade lag-lead compensationĬoncept of stability-Bounded - Input Bounded - Output stability-Routh stability criterion-Relative stability-Root locus concept-Guidelines for sketching root locus-Nyquist stability criterion. Transient response-steady state response-Measures of performance of the standard first order and second order system-effect on an additional zero and an additional pole-steady error constant and system- type number-PID control-Analytical design for PD, PI,PID control systems

engineering economics important questions 2018 rejinpaul engineering economics important questions 2018 rejinpaul

UNIT I SYSTEMS COMPONENTS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONĬontrol System: Terminology and Basic Structure-Feed forward and Feedback control theory-Electrical and Mechanical Transfer Function Models-Block diagram Models-Signal flow graphs models-DC and AC servo Systems-Synchronous -Multivariable control system

Engineering economics important questions 2018 rejinpaul