Please read the following Disclaimer prior to downloading and using the NDOT CAD Workspace: Service provider suppliers of CAD information are required to provide graphics files in a MicroStation DGN format compatible with Nevada DOT CAD software standard versions shown below and the Nevada DOT CAD Workspace. The Nevada DOT documents standard CAD software and version numbers to aid in the transfer of engineering data, and to assist in providing uniformity in CAD procedures. This information is provided for use by the Nevada DOT and is intended for our service providers and/or their subcontractors. This website is designed to be a one-stop source for technical resources and information about agency-wide computer aided design (CAD) technologies that enable highway design and drafting at the Nevada DOT. Nevada Residents Share Transportation Memories.

Board Meeting Agendas, Documents & Minutes.2004 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual.State Maintained Highways, Descriptions, Index & Maps.Current and Recently Completed Projects.Traffic Operations Technology Services (TOTS).Certifications and Public Interest Findings.Certified Payroll and Compliance Manual +.2018 WASHTO Standing Committee on Maintenance.NDOT Certified Inertial Profiler Operators and Equipment.Construction Industry/NDOT Liaison Committee.Synopsis of Materials Division Testing Manual for Field Testing.