I'm sure almost all aging rockers do to some extent, but Brian Johnson aside, they've managed to figure it out and continue performing adequately. It's really, truly puzzling.like, part of me thinks he might have some serious hearing issues. For Bono, he rushes every line sometimes as if he'll be winded if he sings the proper cadence.on these recent JBJ clips, it sounds like he's just guessing, as if suddenly his in-ear monitors went silent. This is a criticism I have of Bono on recent tours: crimping the melody on the high notes is one thing.Plant and Mercury did that every night, even in their primes, but completely shifting the flow and rhythm of the vocal part. Like, even the midrange/lower notes are off, and he often seems to have no idea where the beat is. This Jon Bon talk has been going around the internet since the tour started and.there's definitely something going on here besides just the singer getting old. I'm a fan (if you're not a fan, no reason to post in this thread), but IMO he's been phoning it in live since at least 2005 when they started adding unnecessary extra musicians onstage. Click to expand.Mick sounds better in the last 30 years than he did on the '75 and '81 tours.